Skin diseases: Damp-heat, microorganisms, prickly heat

Prickly heat

Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty
The sweat cannot be removed from the body, and sweat glands are formed or the ducts rupture and a rash will develop. A large amount of sweat causes the epidermal cells to swell and oppress the sweat ducts and openings. White rash (crystal rash) is needle-sized, superficial, transparent blisters, no symptoms, thin wall, easy to break, or quickly dry up to become thin scales, common in profuse sweating, bedridden, high fever, after surgery People with weak body tend to occur on the trunk and compressed parts. Due to the different locations of sweat glands or duct ruptures, clinical manifestations are also different. The white rash is located in the stratum corneum; the red rash is located in the deep spine layer of the epidermis, and the deep rash occurs in the upper dermis.

There are four types of prickly heat such as:
  • Red prickly heat
  • White prickly heat
  • Purulent prickly heat
  • Deep prickly heat rash
Among them, red prickly heat is the most common, manifested as itching, which can cause secondary bacterial infections after scratching, such as impetigo, folliculitis, boils, etc., especially. It's worse on the forehead, neck, trunk, etc.
White rash (crystal rash) is needle-sized, superficial, transparent blisters, no symptoms, thin wall, easy to break, or quickly dry up to become thin scales, common in profuse sweating, bedridden, high fever, after surgery People with weak body tend to occur on the trunk and compressed parts.

A large amount of sweat causes the epidermal cells to swell and oppress the sweat ducts and openings. The sweat cannot be removed from the body, and sweat glands are formed or the ducts rupture and a rash will develop. Due to the different locations of sweat glands or duct ruptures, the clinical manifestations are also different: a white rash is located in the stratum corneum. Red rash is located in the deep spine layer of the epidermis, and deep rash occurs in the upper dermis.

Prevention and treatment of rash:
The key is to improve the hot and humid environment, strengthen ventilation and cooling measures to reduce sweating; dress generously, change frequently, keep the skin clean, wipe with warm water and dry towels, avoid scratching to prevent secondary infections. Use cool and anti-inflammatory powders and liniments, such as prickly heat powder and toilet water. Red prickly heat can use topical drugs containing low-efficiency hormones.

Summer dermatitis Foods can dehumidify febrile dermatitis, caused by the continuous high temperature and sultry environment, which is more common in adults. It is manifested as erythema, forming densely integrated papules and papules, which are more common in the anterior shin, with significant itching. As the temperature and humidity decrease, skin lesions will improve and fade, and there will be pigmentation.

Prevention and treatment of summer dermatitis: Keep the environment ventilated and radiate heat, clean and dry the skin; apply cool and anti-inflammatory and antipruritic preparations, take antihistamines (cetirizine, loratadine).

Skin diseases caused by microorganisms
Fungal skin disease To avoid wrong medication, fungus growth and reproduction require a certain temperature (25~28℃) and humidity, so the incidence of fungal disease in summer is significantly higher than that in other seasons.

Hand, foot, tinea corporis, and tinea cruris appear as red papules and blisters, which gradually expand into a ring or semi-circle around them, with obvious itching, often causing secondary bacterial infections. Patients often get worse due to the wrong application of hormone drugs.

Tinea versicolor (sweat spot) appears as a brown or light-colored spot without inflammation. Candida infection is manifested by maceration and whitish erosion.

Prevention and treatment of fungal skin diseases: Keep the skin clean and dry, use the medicine correctly to avoid excessive stimulation and aggravation of the disease; disinfect clothes to prevent re-infection and infection.

Bacterial skin diseases are more common in children and sugar friends in summer and more common in children and diabetic patients. Children’s skin is tender. Abrasions and pruritic skin diseases cause bacterial invasion and infection, and the biochemical changes on the skin surface of diabetic patients and the imbalance of the flora can also cause infection.

It is manifested as skin infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus, such as impetigo, folliculitis, boils, erysipelas, etc. In severe cases, systemic symptoms such as fever, swollen lymph nodes, and acute nephritis may occur.

Prevention and treatment of bacterial skin diseases: Pay attention to personal hygiene; wash hands and cut nails; frequently; avoid skin breakage; actively treat pruritic skin diseases; isolate sick children in time for disinfection treatment. Treat externally and internally with antibiotics.

Insect bite skin diseases Do not scratch the skin caused by the bites of insects, mosquitoes, tussock moths, caterpillars, mites, etc., and itchy papules, wind masses, erythema, blisters, etc. appear on the skin.
In insects, a large number of venomous spines on the larvae of moths or venomous hairs containing traces of venom (containing histamines and cantharidin) drift away with the wind and rain, stabbing the skin and causing caterpillar dermatitis. This type of caterpillar mainly includes mulberry caterpillars (Sorbus moth), Pine caterpillars (pine caterpillars, red pine caterpillars, etc.), tea caterpillars (tea poisonous moths), spiny caterpillars (yellow spiny moths, blue spiny moths).

The paederus insects often live in fields and woods, and their skin is exposed to paederus toxins to produce a blistering inflammatory reaction.

Mite dermatitis is a rash that can be caused by mite bites or contact with its secretions and molting. The size of mites is no more than 2mm, but there are tens of thousands of species. They reproduce quickly and spread throughout nature.

Common mites that can cause inflammation of the skin are:
  • Pampus mites, which are widely found in grass, grains, straw bedding, and piles of rice straw.
  • Gamasid mites on birds and rodents, including spiny mites and fowl spiny mites.
  • Acaroid mites are more common in flour, dried fruits, cheese, and dried meat.
  • Chiggers (sand mites) live in the crevices of the most superficial soil.

In addition, mites also spread infectious diseases, such as rickettsial disease, hare fever, epidemic, hemorrhagic fever, and so on.

Prevention and treatment of insect bite skin diseases: Working in the field, traveling, especially in woods, weeds, or damp places, should reduce skin exposure, or apply insect-proof drugs on exposed skin; after being bitten by insects, use externally to cool off Itching preparations, such as calamine lotion, wind oil essence, toilet water, etc., can also be externally coated with hormones, and antihistamine drugs should be added if necessary. In addition, be careful not to scratch to avoid infection.

Skin diseases caused by allergies, contact dermatitis Slippers can cause more exposed parts of the skin in summer, and there are more opportunities for contact dermatitis. For example, dermatitis occurs in contact parts such as slippers, metal belt buckles, mats, tables and chairs, and cooking oil.

Prevention and treatment of contact dermatitis: Once there is limited redness and swelling, find the cause and deal with it in time. Stop contact and treat dermatitis.
Sweat herpes is a non-infectious blistering skin disease that occurs on the palm of the hand. It is related to allergies, infection foci (especially ringworm infection), contact irritation (such as spices, nickel alloy products, etc. are easily absorbed in contact with wet skin in summer), and also related to neuropsychiatric stimuli, such as depression and nervousness.
It is manifested as deep papules, appearing in batches, symmetrically distributed, and can occur on the soles of the feet at the same time. Itching is obvious, and papules will form bullae.

Prevention and treatment of sweat herpes: remove the cause, take antihistamine sedatives and anticholinergic drugs, such as atropine, etc.; use antipruritic astringent lotion, such as compound aluminum acetate lotion, urea resin can be used when the blisters are dry and desquamation pain Cream or hormone ointment.

Expert Homeopathy
Antim Crudum 6 is very effective for prickly heat, besides Sulphur 30 one of the good medicines to resist prickly heat.

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