Hemostatic methods: Management of Asthma at home

Asthma and Haemostasis

Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty

Bleeding from the thigh or calf: can compress the femoral artery in the fossa oval in the groin. The femoral artery is thick and the blood flow is large, and it is often necessary to compress both hands at the same time.

Bleeding on the head and face: when the wound is small, pressure on both sides of the wound can stop the bleeding; when the wound is large, the superficial temporal artery can be compressed in front of the tragus. Bleeding in the mouth, nose, and cheeks can compress the external mandibular artery in the depression about 3 cm from the mandibular angle at the horizontal offset of the mandible.

On-site first aid for traumatic bleeding: is mainly acupressure hemostasis, which is suitable for bleeding from arterial injuries. The method is to compress the arterial trunk near the heart side of the wound with fingers to block the arterial blood flow to achieve hemostasis and select the position of finger pressure according to the bleeding site.

If arterial bleeding occurs in the shoulder or upper arm: the subclavian artery can be pressed from the supraclavicular fossa to the first rib with the thumb. Bleeding at the distal end of the upper arm or forearm, press the brachial artery to the humerus by the fingers on the inner edge of the biceps brachii muscle on the inside of the upper arm. Finger bleeding can compress the finger arteries on both sides of the root of the finger.

In the case of arterial bleeding: although finger pressure can quickly stop or reduce the bleeding, it is only a temporary stop, and the wounded must be sent to the hospital for further treatment.

For venous hemorrhage and arteriolar hemorrhage: several layers of sterile gauze or wound wrap can be used to cover the wound and then pressure-wrapped with a bandage.

What should I do if I have an acute attack of asthma at home?

Patients with bronchial asthma may often have acute asthma attacks, but the severity of each attack is not the same. Mild bronchial asthma attacks may relieve themselves quickly or after medication, while more severe asthma attacks require timely medical treatment and active treatment. First, you can make a preliminary estimate by observing the changes in symptoms. The severity of an acute attack of asthma can usually be divided into four types: mild, moderate, severe, and critical based on the symptoms:

a) Mild bronchial asthma: mild symptoms, shortness of breath only when walking, free posture, can lie flat, can talk continuously, can only hear mild wheezing, breathing is slightly short, but the mood is still quiet, or Slightly anxious.

b) Moderate bronchial asthma: Consciously shortness of breath and difficulty, especially when you are slightly active, it is obvious, like to take a seat, short sentences when talking, you can hear wheezing, shortness of breath, sometimes emotional anxiety and irritability, and excessive sweating Phenomenon.

c) Severe bronchial asthma: breathing is difficult and obvious. Even when resting, I fell short and fast breathing. I lean forward when sitting. I can only speak a few words and can hear a wide range of wheezing. Often emotionally anxious and irritable, sweating profusely, and even cyanosis of the lips and nails.

d) Critically ill: drowsiness or even confusion.

Bronchial asthma is a disease of airway allergic inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. Severe asthma attacks can last for more than 24 hours. Those who cannot be relieved by general treatment are called status asthma. At this time, the patient presents with dyspnea, prolonged exhalation, cough, pale or purple face, and increased heart rate, often above 120 beats per minute. In severe cases, blood pressure drops, sweating profusely, emphysema, but unconsciousness and coma.

According to different situations, the following methods can be used for emergency treatment:

1. Assist the patient to take a sitting or semi-recumbent position to rest, or let the patient kneel on the bed with a pillow and lean forward. This position is good for the patient's breathing.

2. Take out the household oxygen bottle quickly, and inhale the patient through the nasal cannula or face mask at a high flow rate of 3 liters per minute.

3. Pay attention to the patient to keep warm, the environment is quiet, and the patient is encouraged to cooperate with the treatment.

4. The room is ventilated and the air is fresh, but there should be no excessive wind. Avoid irritating gases such as kerosene, smoke, paint, etc. indoors.

5. Initial treatment: Inhale short-acting B2 receptor agonist 1-3 sprays, and repeat the inhalation once for 20-60 minutes if necessary.

Good response: mild wheezing, coughing, dyspnea or chest tightness, symptoms only during activity, but asymptomatic at rest; within 24-48 hours, repeat treatment every 3-4 hours as needed; continue conventional anti-inflammatory treatment; if If the symptoms recur, contact the doctor, continue to routinely evaluate the condition, perform routine treatment according to the individualized treatment plan, contact the doctor for follow-up.

General response: Obvious wheezing, difficulty breathing or repeated coughing, symptoms also appear at rest, inhalation of B2 receptor agonists every hour; start taking glucocorticoids according to the treatment plan, if the condition is not relieved within 2-6 hours, seek medical attention, Continue to evaluate the condition; the reaction is normal, the symptoms worsen, go to the emergency department of the hospital or contact the doctor.

Poor response: severe wheezing and dyspnea, intermittent speech; still severe symptoms during rest; contact the emergency department of the hospital, or go directly to the emergency room of the hospital for treatment.

Before the ambulance doctor arrives, or before going to the hospital, the condition should be closely monitored, and the patient should be instructed to inhale aerosol, oxygen and take medicine. Those who are escorted by family members to the hospital should have their symptoms basically relieved, be clear-headed, have blood pressure within a safe range, take oxygen continuously, and go directly to the emergency room to ask a doctor for emergency treatment.

Causes and trigger points of asthma

The authors noted that, in one study, obese children who lost weight also observed improvement in their asthma symptoms. Some women also experience an increase in asthma symptoms during pregnancy. During menstruation, however, the symptoms of asthma can improve. Pregnancy According to a dependable source, smoking during pregnancy seems to build the danger of the baby creating asthma sometime down the road. Tobacco smoking, Smoking can cause asthma symptoms, according to the American Lung Association. One reliable source in a 2013 study found that 60-80% of children and young adults with asthma were sensitive to at least one allergen. In people with infectious diseases, exposure to certain diseases can cause symptoms. Hormonal Factors About 5.5% Reliable Source for Men and 9.7% for Women with Asthma. Happiness, anger, joy, laughter, crying, and other emotional reactions can all cause asthma attacks. Health professionals do not know exactly what causes asthma, but both genetic and environmental factors seem to play a role. Some have suggested reliable sources that long-term stress can lead to epigenetic mutations that lead to chronic asthma. Environmental factors Air pollution, both inside and outside the home, can affect the growth and causes of asthma. Obesity One article A Reliable Source from 2014 suggested that there appear to be higher rates of asthma in obese people than those without. For example, during their reproductive years, symptoms may be more severe during menstruation, compared with other periods of the month. In addition, symptoms may vary depending on the woman's reproductive stage and the point in the menstrual cycle.

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