Chronic Laryngitis: Definition, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment

chronic laryngitis


Chronic inflammation of the larynx for at least 6 months...


Excessive use of voice. [High and low frequency].

Excessive smoking.

Recurrent acute laryngitis.

Chronic nasal sinuses infection.

Inhalation of corticosteroids treatment.

Mouth breathing from nasal obstruction.


Hoarse voice, usually worse in the morning.


Spasmodic cough with scanty sputum and desire to clear the throat...


On examination, the larynx may be seen to undergo any of the following changes:
Nodules are formed at the nodules are sessile (non-pediculated) whitish, smooth in appearance.

Differential diagnosis

T.B larynx: Painful, long history, loss of weight, fever(Note: Must rule out carcinoma if no improvement in symptoms after 15 days).

Carcinoma larynx: Painless, shorty history, weight loss.


Rest to voice.

No smoking.

Infections of tonsils, noses, and sinuses should be treated.

Saline gargles.

Phytolacca Q steam inhalation.

Surgery may have to be considered.

Homeopathic medicines (Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty)

Argentum metallicum: Hoarseness, aphonia, total loss of voice in professional singes. The larynx feels sore and raw. Easy expectoration like boiled starch, worse from use of voice.

Argentum nitricum: High noted cause cough. Chronic hoarseness. Catarrh of smokers.

Carbo Vegetabilis: It is suitable when hoarseness is brought by dam cold air and is painless.

Merc. Sol: It is generally specific in hoarseness. Two drops twice a day.

Ipecac: It is useful in complete aphonia from cold or congestion of vocal cords. Can use 30th potency frequently, until relieved.

Kali Mur: It is a very valuable remedy in 'croup' when the expectoration is gray fibrinous slime. The cough is dry, hard, croupy, harsh, and breaking. It may be alternated with Ferum. Phos.

Other medicines: Hepar Sulph, Causticum, Spongia T.

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