Fastest way to build muscle : FAQ

Fastest way to build muscle

Introduction (Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty)

One of the most frequently asked questions in the bodybuilding or build muscles world is, how to get better results faster when it comes to building muscle. The most common response is that it takes time and patience, but there are a few ways to build muscle fast or at least faster. 

Of course, it will shorten the amount of time between sets, how to add on a few more reps per set, as well as the addition of the sets in the course you can add it to your crypt, but only up to a certain point. Overdoing it can be as bad as it is to skip a workout since the body needs to be able to recover enough between training sessions. Overtraining can lead to injury, burnout, disengagement, and even the loss of lean muscle mass. 

This is where all of these techniques are very useful when you only have to add them one or two times a week, and you may only have one or two of the exercises that you can do in a day. So, let's take a look at the drop-sets, super-slow reps, and forced negatives, which can help you to build muscle more quickly if you have to be careful to add them to your training program. 

The deviation of the sets is in addition to the final set of the exercise. You will have 4 or 5 sets in, and as soon as you are finished with your final set, with a minimum break time, you can reduce the weight by 10% to 20% and do as many reps as you can. If this occurs, remove immediately, and the other 20% of your body weight, and try the operation again. Again, this should only be done on one or two exercises per workout. 

Another tip is to build up the muscles quickly, slowing down your reps. Try for 2-3 seconds, and when the muscle contracts, and is 4 to 6 seconds, is when you come back to the starting point, with no interruptions, on the top or the bottom of the exercise. Super-slow-set will stop you from using momentum to get to your target muscles to work harder, and you'll be free to concentrate on the feeling of each and every rep, and to the muscles that are designed for them. This increase in muscle and a long period of time under tension will help you build muscle, even if you have to use lighter weights to maintain a proper exercise form. 

The third method is forced to be negative. The negative part of the training is to get your muscles are fully contracted, and return to the starting point. In its turn, for example, to reduce the weight to full extension, and while it's a fly day to go back to the top of the bar, or to the holder. Since it takes more of the weight to de-emphasize the negative with the positive, if you are finished with your final set, increase the weight to the outside of your ability to lift it, and focus solely on the negative. 

This is a more sophisticated method, you have to be very careful in order to reduce the risk of injury. You need to monitor a training partner to help you with the growth of exercises such as bench press or barbell curls, the weight is 20% higher than the maximum, and then slowly and under control to be independent of each other and close to the weight, even though you have to give up on the bench. 

The method is also helpful if you are working out with weights, at home, and in the use of dumbbells. There isn't a problem, in the gym, if you're more in dumbbells or just move on to the next weight. But working out at home means that you get only the dumbbells, and soon, there will be no way for you to increase the weight. So, after a once-a-super-slow-set, it is possible to run Instagram, and with one hand at a time, all to the negative, however, with both hands at the same time, the weight to be lifted. 

Test your dumbbell curls to failure, and if you can't get another rep, you must use both hands to lift the weight and release it as slowly as possible, with only one hand. This technique can also be used in curved rows, tricep extensions, etc. but please, try not to squats, because there is too much of a risk of personal injury, and even with a spotter.

What nutrients should take in muscle building?

Macronutrients (or, in short, "macro-regions" are defined as "substances that are required in relatively large amounts by living organisms". In the human diet are the most important macronutrients are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Each of the macronutrient energy, but each one serves a different purpose. 

Protein provides four calories per gram. Proteins are composed of amino acids, there are nine amino acids that we consider essential" because our bodies can't produce on their own-it must come from our diet.

Fat provides nine calories per gram, which is the most of any macronutrient. Fats don't have to be "fat" - they are as essential for the power supply, protect your organs, and, most interestingly, for strength, its ability to regulate the production of hormones like testosterone. 

Carbohydrates provide four calories per gram. The human body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which can be easily used for the production of energy or to be stored in the muscle and fat to be stored for later use. 

When we have the power to build, we need not only the quality of the calories, but we need to get our calories to count. 

Your body burns a particular number of calories that you have to perform the basic operations that will support her in life: breathing, circulation, regulate body temperature, and so on. All of these require energy in the form of calories. This is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR)

Strength training adds additional stress to the body. In addition to the servicing of your life, you have to spend the energy (calories) on the functions, such as muscle repair and glycogen restoration, and of course, the throwing of heavyweights several times a week. 

If you don't provide your body with enough calories, you won't have enough energy to recover from the training session, let alone be in a stronger position. Instead, you will be removed from the liquid energy, for this energy that is, at the core, resulting in a failure to training and quit to make the climb. 

Have you lost weight? 

You can repeat this procedure, but it is eating 2200 calories a day

It can be done, but just in case you didn't do it: you need to count calories, to try to force a win. A lot of people who think that they are eating a "one-kg" are in fact only in the 1,800 to 2,000 calories per day. You'll be surprised at how little you actually have to eat until you start to write something down.

The main thing to build muscle faster

Macro - Amounts 

Protein: Aim for at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. So, if you weigh 170 pounds, you want to use, 170g of protein. For the best results, you may need 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. 

Protein is a key macronutrient for building strength. 

To be honest, it's a fat-to-carb ratio, it doesn't matter. For something that is right for you. Just make sure you eat more than you burn off. 

Macros In Food Sources 

This is a very good source of nutrition for each one of the three macronutrients. These foods should make up the bulk of your diet. 

Protein: chicken breast, chicken thighs, steak, and ground beef), fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines), natural yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, and protein powder. 

Fat (meat, eggs, and fish are a good source of high-quality fat content), avocado, nuts (almonds, walnuts), extra-virgin olive oil, or coconut oil and butter. 

Carbohydrates: Vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, romaine), fruits (blueberries, strawberries, oranges, bananas, pineapples, apples, and legumes/beans/seeds, (also is decent in protein, sweet potatoes, potatoes, quinoa, rice, oats. 

How and when do I use a pre-workout meal consist of?" 

In my opinion, for up to 2-3 hours for the course. 

Some people prefer to have an hour or even 30 minutes earlier. It's okay if it works for you, I guess, but it's food so close to the training, there remains a lack of time to spend. How to activate your parasympathetic nervous system is a "rest and digest" function, which is not optimal for athletic performance. 

If you are going to close for a training session, you can make a liquid, such as a protein shake. Press and hold the light - 200 calories or less. 

Another issue is with the food, so close to a workout, it is a bot, pre-workout, absorption, and is expected to be hit. 

Therefore, it is better to eat 2-3 hours before the workout. Choose moderate-to high-protein, moderate-to-high carbohydrate levels, and low-fat content. Keep a low GI diet (fruits, beans/legumes, vegetables), in comparison with the high-GI diet (soda, candy, potatoes, white bread, and short-grain rice) and consume too many high GI carbohydrates on the distance from your workout, it will cause your blood sugar to rise, even before you are going to go to the gym. 

This is an example of a pre-workout meal, which I will be using for 2-3 hours before the workout: 

8 ounces chicken breast (240 calories, 5 g fat, 0 g carbohydrates: 44 g protein 
1 cup black beans (110 calories, 1 g fat, 19 g carbohydrate, 7 g protein 
1 cup spinach leaves (a small one)
how is it done? a cup of walnuts (about 100 calories, 10 g fat, 2 g carbs, 2.5 g protein 
1 cup of berries
Half  tablespoon olive oil 
Calories: 702 

Protein: 62, g (35%) 

Carbohydrates 61 g (34%) 

Fat: 24 g (31%)

"Do I need to eat or drink something during exercise?"


Some say that taking a protein shake after exercise does not enter the bloodstream quickly enough.

But don't sweat too much. Drink plenty of water, eat enough each day, you will be ready.

Don't worry about sports drinks. Unless your training lasts more than three hours (that is, if you are training for strength, you should not), you do not need to.

"How soon do you need to eat after a workout? 

A friend of mine told me that I had a 10-minute window to take in lots of protein and carbohydrates, as well as whether or not I lose all of my us back!" 
There is no evidence to show that it is rapidly digested hydrolyzed microfiltered proteins are better after a workout, in comparison with the "normal" protein powder, high protein, whole foods. 

Also, there is no need for you to fill out a ton of fast-paced, fluid, carbohydrates (the SAME as sugar) - immediately after your workout. 

So, no, there's no need for you to throw it into a pair of liquid calories immediately after training. 

It won't hurt to do it - so if you want to do it, just do it!!! However, if it is true, regardless of whether or not you would like to use whole-grain products, please don't worry. 

The most important factor is that the ingestion of more food, within 2 hours after your workout. 

I was able to go deep into all of the sciences, but as you probably already know from your own experience. 

Now, I know what I want. If I don't eat 1 to 2 hours after a training session, and my blood sugar is dropping and it will be very grumpy and unhelpful. 

Contrary to popular belief, fat does not reduce the benefits of protein and carbs post-workout. Hence, and with our pre-workout meal, we want it to be a well-balanced, nutrient-rich picture.

Here is a sample diet:

200g baked potatoes
10 oz sirloin steak (570 calories, 36g fat, 0g carb, 58g protein)
100 grams broccoli (31 calories, 0g fat, 6g carbs, 3G protein)
Water (a glass of wine is fine if you are like me and you feel soft and it is 8pm. One glass)
Calories: 773

Protein: 63g (33%)

Carbs: 46g (24%)

Fat: 36g (43%)


To grow and thrive, you need to eat. Probably more than you have ever eaten before.

Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Do not go on a diet twice a day for up to 4,000 calories a day all night, or you will have a bad time.

Find out your basic calorie needs, and work from there. Stick to a complete, nutritious diet.

Make sure you eat after training but don't worry if within five minutes of leaving the gym.

Drink plenty of water.

Eat delicious food. Learn to cook. Life is too short to eat junk food.

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