GERD: Expert Homeopathy


Definition of GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) could also be a chronic disease that happens when stomach acid or, occasionally, bile flows back (refluxes) into the food pipe (esophagus).
GERD has become quite common digestive trouble today, with 10-20% of the Western population being affected by it.
Normally, a hoop-like structure called Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) allows food to pass into the stomach and closes to avoid food contents and stomach juices traveling back to the esophagus. GE Reflux occurs when this muscular ring gets weak or relaxes incompletely, allowing the rear flow (reflux) of stomach contents into the esophagus.
The backflow of acid irritates or excited the inner lining of the food pipe, which causes the signs and symptoms of GERD.
Acid reflux is capable by many individuals who fight with nervousness. In fact, feeling anxious often promotes the physical symptoms of acid reflux. At the point when an individual is vexed, the body delivers more adrenaline and stomach corrosive, likewise increments. This irritates the stomach and can cause all the symptoms of reflux and GERD. There are certain symptoms of Acid Reflux.

Common symptoms of acid reflux are:
  1. Heartburn
  2. Regurgitation: sour or bitter-tasting acid that comes back up your throat when you burp.

Other symptoms of acid reflux include:
  1. Gassy stomach
  2. Bloated stomach
  3. Burping
  4. Dysphagia – feeling of food stuck in the throat
  5. Hiccups
  6. Burning in the back of the throat
  7. Hoarseness, laryngitis type symptoms
  8. Wheezing, coughing and feeling of mucus in the throat

Causes of Acid Reflux
  1. Being overweight
  2. Eating too much in one large meal
  3. Tight clothing
  4. Anxiety and tension
  5. Rushing while eating
  6. Spicy foods
  7. Chocolate
  8. Mints
  9. Citrus foods
  10. Tomato sauce
  11. Fried meals
  12. Foods with a high fat content
  13. Lying down after eating
  14. Eating too late in the evening

Homeopathic Medicines
NUX VOMICA: Good for nearly all kinds of stomach troubles arising from improper eating habits
CARBO-VEG: Heartburn amid belching, bloating, heaviness in abdomen and chest, and difficulty in digesting even simple food.
IRIS: Effective when the symptoms of reflux are amid headache.

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