Sycosis - Definition, Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Homeopathy

Definition of Sycosis

Sycosis is a chronic folliculitis occurs due to staphylococci affecting the hairy regions of the body. Sycosis is an ongoing incendiary infection including the hair follicles particularly of the hairy a part of the face and set apart by papules, pustules, and tubercles punctured by hairs with crusting.


Causation of sycosis

1) The most well-known causative life form of sycosis is staphylococcus aureus; less usually, different staphylococci. Discharges from the nose, throat and teeth and therefore the source of those organisms. They will enter the skin, through slight injuries or abrasions caused by shaving.
2) Utilization of unhygienic shaving unit, gruff razors, fine shaving by extending the skin and shaving contrary to what would be expected of hair will generally cause sycosis.
3) Folliculitis features a tendency to occur amongst people working in dusty and dirty environments, e.g. miners, building workers and sweepers.
4) Workers handling or coming in grips with oil tend to develop oil acne, which must be distinguished from primary sycosis. Predisposing causes are many.
5) Seborrhoeic diathesis may be a common feature. Inactive propensities, under-nourishment or weight, diabetes, unhygienic living, hypochondriac personality and close to home strain are the normal inclining factors.

Symptoms of sycosis

1) In order of frequency, the beard region, neck, scalp, legs, arms and loins are most frequently involved.
2) Characteristically, this condition is seen as small, superficial, follicular pustules; some rupture to discharge beads of pus, the remainder dry up to make crusts.
3) Folliculitis grows quickly, including an ever-increasing number of follicles, Soon the contamination becomes ongoing; the skin looks blocked, enlarged and invaded.
4) Usually, no pain in present; itching and burning are the sole symptoms.
5) The eruption looks unsightly and is annoying. Within the beard region (Sycosis barbae), the chin and upper lip are most affected; the eruption later spreads to other parts. There's no oozing and weeping at any stage; this feature help in differentiating the disease from follicular infective eczema, within which the entire beard region is rapidly involved and oozing could be a dominant feature...

Differential diagnosis

  • Secondary eczematization
  • Follicular infective eczema
  • Impetigo


  • Removing the causes
  • Avoiding trauma to the affected parts
  • X-ray therapy

Homeopathic medicines for sycosis

Calcarea Carbonica: It is a good medicine for sycosis, too much perspiration especially over scalp, itching all over the body with liver derangement. In chronic affection, this psoric medicine should try as per constitution.
Sulph Iod: Especially, when the eruption over face at beard area, this medicine can be cured without constitutional history.
Sanicula: Another good medicine for sycosis with dandruff over the beard area
Thuja Occidentalis: This is a sycotic medicine and a curative power for skin disease over any area. This medicine mainly look after growth, but very good medicine for sycosis when the constitution indicates this medicine. Perspiration generally under covered part.
To Hahnemann sycosis is basically a diathesis creating moles or mole like growth, to say vegetating dermatitis to communicate in the language of a dermatologist. From one perspective some are truly rearrangements; harmless cutaneous growths helpless at times to dangerous degenerescencei then again some non-tingling dermatitis and a wide range of vegetation. This multitude of developments might be communicated by the expression "Cutaneous Peculiarities of sycotic beginning" and they are characterized by their qualities and arrangements.
Other than these noticeable signs, it is challenging to portray the sycotic diathesis since it is basically slow and asymptomatic contrary to Psora of Hahnemann. As per us, there is a positive hostility between these diatheses. The Psora is before each of the condition of alternance. The existence of a Psoric is set apart by progressions of dismal or slow states and after an intense emission follows a quiet period followed by an intense stage, etc. Running against the norm, the difficulties brought about by this diathesis are slow, treacherous, lethargic yet proceeded. The sycotic patient continually experiences a love without periodicity and without intermittence. The moles in the event that they seem will become persistent without abatement. After an asymptomatic first stage, other than the presence of moles will come after quite a while various difficulties of anxious beginning, neuralgia and neuritis. The sycotic patient doesn't defend himself like a Psoric patient by certain ejections on the skin, which are by and large periodical. His main guard comprises in mucous emissions ; constant catarrh is additionally the field of Psora.
However, it appears to be that in sycosis the catarrhal side effects, when they exist, lay out with trouble. Maybe later on, additional relations will be laid out amongst Psora and sycosis. At present, we can't definitively say anything. This question might be settled later on by a profound investigation of morphology and personalities, as well as mental and neurotic inclinations.


Question: What is Sycosis barbae?
Answer: Folliculitis barbae presents in much the same way to pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB), which is a papulopustular unfamiliar body response towards bent hair-follicles that enter the perifollicular epidermis as they outgrow the skin (ingrown hairs). PFB presents all the more regularly in post-shaven hair-bearing areas of people with more wavy and coarse hair, as found in African.
Question: What sexually transmitted disease resembles folliculitis?
Answer: While any infection springing up in your genital or butt-centric region will probably get your heart siphoning, quite possibly your condition isn't a sexually transmitted disease, yet rather an instance of kindled hair follicles. Herpes and folliculitis can be comparable for all intents and purposes and effectively confounded.
Question: Is folliculitis a sexually transmitted disease?
Answer: Folliculitis isn't viewed as a physically communicated contamination, however at times it can move through close skin contact. In any case, the herpes simplex infection is spread through sexual contact. In uncommon cases, this infection can cause folliculitis.
Question: Is folliculitis and sycosis barbae bacterial or contagious?
Answer: Folliculitis and sycosis barbae is a typical skin condition that is much of the time the consequence of a bacterial, viral, or parasitic contamination. It is regularly not a reason to worry and will cure freely. Notwithstanding, folliculitis can bring about excruciating skin aggravation, bruises, and pimple-like knocks.

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