Difference between symptom and pathogenecity

Symptoms and Pathogenecity


Symptoms and pathogenicity are very similar indications of a disease. When a foreign body enters the body, it gives symptoms by creating pathogenicity.

Symptoms are the features of the physical and mental state of the body. Sometimes the living body gives some features by any means; but it is not meant that always there is a bacteria or virus behind it. Symptoms can be shown by the body with or without pathogens (bacteria, virus or fungi). Sometimes there may be a symptom due to overheating or over cooling of weather or by anxiety, tension etc.

Whereas pathogenicity is totally dependent on pathogens, events like virus, bacteria etc. When any part of the living body or any internal or external organ is afflicted by pathogens, and changes the physiology of those affected parts due to pathogens, then pathogenicity occurs.

For example: [Expert Homeopathy]

♞ A man is suffering from severe headache due to overheating or sun in summer, it means, there is a pressure on pain pathway due to external environmental factor and that is heat of sun, and which is not enters into your body, but give a sudden pressure on your neurological pathway, so here no relation with pathogens, because you have no evidence by any examination. But if that headache occurs by meningococcal, there is a pathogen that will be detected by examination, and pathogenicity happens.

♞ If a man is suffering from frostbite due to over cooling and suffering for 2 to 3 days, then pathogens (bacteria or virus) can attack, and you can say previously symptoms are showing due to over cooling, and now it turns into a pathology (blister or erosion) due to pathogens. 

♞ If a woman becomes pregnant, she shows an enlarged abdomen. It is not meant, there is a pathology due to pathogens. It is physiology, and there may be increased BP or protein in urine, all are under physiology, and these are symptoms. If the amnion fluid is infected due to some external cause after tearing, then pathogenicity can become due to pathogens, and an emergency situation can happen.

♞ If a man suffering from liver damage or enlargement of liver, and gives some symptoms like yellow eyes or tender in liver region or bile vomiting etc. then it may be due to hepatic virus like hepatitis A, B
C, D, E or normal physiological jaundice. In cirrhosis of the liver, liver parenchymal texture can be changed, and it means the pathology occurs due to virus use.

👉 So symptoms can be shown due to internal pathology by the pathogens in the living body, or it may be reflection due to external environmental factors like idiosyncrasy (faintness due to essence of flower). There is no pathogen, but it is a mental state.

Symptoms and pathogenicity can be similar, but it does not mean, there is a pathogen always behind a symptom. Symptoms can be there with or without pathogens...

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