Health education should start with a baby | Expert Homeopathy

health education


Education should start from the baby, and the same is true for health education. Childhood is a critical period for preventing adult diseases. Only by cultivating a scientific concept of health from an early age can we move the threshold of disease prevention forward, so that people can maintain healthy behaviors throughout their lives, with fewer and no illnesses, and high-quality life.

Severe lack of health knowledge

Every afternoon, you can always see such a lively scene around the school: children who have just finished school happily rush into the canteen, and then come out with snacks such as ice cream, drinks, meat skewers, and dry noodles, and enjoy the tip of the tongue while walking. "Feast". These "junk foods" are the hardest-hit areas for food additives, containing a variety of pigments and flavors, but children don't care. In a survey, three-quarters of elementary school students expressed a preference for fast food, fried food, puffed food, and other foods. And which foods are more nutritious, they don't know anything.

The research showed that the quality of breakfast for primary and secondary school students is on a downward trend. Nearly 80% of primary and secondary school students lack breakfast nutrition; the dietary structure of primary and secondary school students has changed. From the perspective of the past 10 years, the proportion of snacks has increased from 59.5%. Rose to 75.7% and fresh fruits and vegetables dropped from 85.1% to 74.5%.

The physical health of young people is even more worrying. According to statistics, the obesity rate of children aged 2 to 18 is close to 10%, and 10% of obese adolescents are found to have fatty liver. The situation is also not optimistic. Compared student strength (grip strength) and girls' strength and endurance have shown a downward trend. Many diseases also appear to be younger.

Experts said that the above-mentioned unhealthy behaviors that occur to students can actually be changed by carrying out health education in schools and improving children's health literacy. Unfortunately, the current health literacy level of our residents is not optimistic. In 2012, the health literacy level of urban and rural residents in my country was only 8.8%. The health literacy of residents is one of the key factors for effective disease prevention, and it is the core of health management for the country and individuals. Experts emphasized that if we want to improve the health literacy of residents, we must "grasp the early and catch the young." "It is the most cost-effective to grasp the health literacy at the stage of children's behavior and habits development. Children learn health knowledge and develop good behavior habits early, and establish scientific health concepts, and they will be able to make a series of correct Health decision-making plays a role in preventing diseases and improving health."

As early as the early 1990s, began to carry out health education courses in primary and secondary schools across the country, but it has not been welcomed and valued by schools, parents, and children. According to experts, the Ministry of Education currently stipulates that primary and secondary schools should arrange 0.5 class hours per week or 1 class hour every two weeks to open health education classes, but this precious time is often squeezed by other courses. Moreover, there are currently no unified teaching materials across the country, and the ability of teachers is relatively weak. Many schools do not have full-time health education teachers, but biology teachers or physical education teachers take part-time substitutes. The only health education courses are mostly based on bluntly teaching health knowledge. The content is boring and cannot be well transformed into practice. Students are not very involved, and the learning effect is naturally not ideal.

What should a health class be

Health classes should not only teach students health knowledge but also have more practical experience, so as to effectively transform health knowledge into healthy behaviors and master life-related survival and health capabilities. Health literacy is a kind of ability, and the health class is to cultivate this ability of students. So, what is the ideal health class? Many advanced experiences of foreign schools are worth learning from.

Canadian kindergartens focus on teaching children by precepts and deeds to teach children simple health knowledge and hygiene habits, such as washing hands and changing shoes when entering the room, washing hands before meals and after using the toilet, and special tableware and drinking glasses. Teachers will slowly teach children how to use hand sanitizer, disinfectant, clinical thermometers, and how to tell if they have a fever. In Canada, four or five-year-old children usually find their parents uncomfortable, so they will take the initiative to look for thermometers and alcohol cotton wool.

The focus of primary school health education is on growth and development knowledge, good behaviors and living habits, prevention of common children’s diseases, prevention of accidental injuries, knowledge of diet and nutrition, etc. In Japan, the development of dietary behavior education for teenagers has been quite perfect. In school, the teacher will not only teach the children to understand the food and some basic nutrition knowledge but also let the children know the dangers of excessive consumption of fast food and convenience food. The most important thing is that the teacher will grow vegetables, harvest, cook together with the children, and enjoy the joy of labor.

The focus of middle and high school health education is the knowledge and skills of adolescent growth and development, sex knowledge, interpersonal communication and communication, mental health knowledge, environmental protection, accident prevention, first aid and mutual rescue, no smoking, no alcohol, and knowledge of AIDS prevention And skills, etc. French schools attach great importance to the knowledge of sexual physiology. According to relevant laws, parents and schools must provide students with complete knowledge of sexuality and sexual disease prevention. French schools also prepare complete health records for students, including immunization records, which are of great significance to supervising the health of students.

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