Constitution: Definition | Discussion | Types


Definition of Constitution: -

According to Stuart close: "The constitution is the combination of genes, influenced more or less by nature, that determines human response, effective or unsuccessful, to environmental stress".

Dr. Kent says, "The body's constitution is an external disorder that follows a problem with someone, vital power".

Discussion [Expert Homeopathy: Dr. Anutosh Chakraborty]

A constitution is a term that encompasses a wide range of dimensions, depth, and complexity, but is often misunderstood. It has two basic features:
  • Endogenous factor
  • Exogenous factor

Endogenous factors are natural to a person, found in the grade. They provide the body with a variety of tendencies, inclinations, reactions to natural stress, etc.

Exogenous factors are gradually and steadily acquired from birth from a variety of environmental factors.

In the end, both of these intricate and inexhaustible elements can be so intertwined that they form a new kind of constitution of a particular creature - completely different from the ancestors and other similar species. In this way, it is clear that each person has a different constitutional basis.

It is for this reason, it is necessary, that people be educated in detail about their unique characteristics, which reflect personality. They point to ineffective indications in the relationship of the patient and direct treatment.

Types of the constitution: -
There are a variety of constitutional forms that are incorporated into the homeopathic environment from chronic illness. Some of them are
  • Strong constitution: Glands are always swollen, general weakness, unresponsiveness, ulcers, and inflammation quickly heal. It is considered to be the result of a combination of psora and syphilis inheritance.
  • Hydrogenoid Constitution: The increased tendency to moisture, even in aquatic plants. So the symptoms of the disease in this body constitution are exacerbated by everything that somehow increases the atoms of water in the body. It is considered to be the result of a close combination of psora and sycosis.
  • Leucophlegmatic Constitution: Catarrhal, flabby, watery constitution, with pale open skin. Laziness in all movements and activities. It is cold and cold.

There are also Choleric (bilious), Chlorotic (with pallor blue), Neuropathic (easily digested and depressed), Oxygenoid, Carbo-nitrogenous constitution, etc.

Factors related to the constitution
The Constitution contains the following:
  • Physical composition
  • Status
  • Heat and cold relationships
  • Desire, laziness, and intolerance in the diet
  • Miasm
  • Disease diagnosis
  • Observation and feedback
  • Addiction, habits, etc.

It includes all the other things that work in his creation and that make him different, defined and different, and thus different from other people.

The importance of treatment
It has been observed that each drug has a special affinity for a particular type of firmness. This fact was clearly recognized by Hahnemann while under the influence of drugs and in his peace.

Constitutional Diagnosis: -
A constitutional examination means an examination of the characteristics of a person during his or her seemingly healthy period.

Those that are about the nature of the patient whether they appear healthy and altered or appropriate symptoms of a serious illness by helping us to get a personal diagnosis, that is, a diagnosis of the patient's constitutional personality.

Discussion: -
To understand this, apart from his illness, the following three things must be investigated-
  • A literal examination of the constitution
  • Progressive constitutional scrutiny
  • Environmental constitutional review

The actual diagnosis of the constitution is made by looking at the characteristics of the individual during his or her seemingly healthy period. It is only then that "the doctor clearly sees what is being treated for the diseases that are, in all cases, of disease".
The development of a developmental constitution is done by examining and identifying the stages a patient has gone through to achieve the current human constitution, including legacy.

An environmental constitutional examination consists of an examination of the means or reactions of a person, e.g., how a person reacts to his or her place, time, place and circumstances, etc.

Factors related to constitutional diagnosis: -
The following points should be considered in the constitutional review:
  • Physical composition
  • Status
  • Heat and cold relationships
  • Desire, laziness, and intolerance in the diet
  • Miasm
  • Separation of data
  • Observation and feedback
  • Addiction, habits, etc.

Constitutional Medicine: -
Constitutional Medicine means medicine that can correct constitutional errors that are found and found. All anti-miasmatic drugs are constitutional medicine. It only works better if some miasmatic effects are removed or brought to a hidden state.

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