COMMON COLD: Symptoms, Treatment


A common cold could also be a contagious illness and an acute infection of the throat and nasal passages, which can be caused by a sort of various kinds of viruses, mostly RHINOVIRUSES.

Preschool children are vulnerable to the risk of frequent colds, but even healthy adults are often affected once a year. This disease often affects individuals during the autumn and winter months.



  1. Runny nose and sneezing
  2. The congested feeling within the nose
  3. Sore throat
  4. Cough
  5. Tiredness
  6. Conjunctivitis
  7. Body ache
  8. Fever


  1. Middle ear infections
  2. Sinusitis
  3. Pneumonia
  4. Asthma


Echinacea Q: are often used for the cold by 10 drops thrice daily with half a cup of water.

Allium Cepa: it's utilized in copious, watery, and really acrid discharge from the nose with profuse bland lachrymation, worse in a warm room and better in outdoors. Fluent coryza with sneezing, especially when entering a warm room.
Hepar Sulph: used for those folks that are extremely sensitive to cold dry wind, with running thick, offensive discharges from the nose.
Pulsatilla: In cases of thick yellowish discharge from the nose with xerostomia, without thirst, and sensitive to cold air and outdoors.
Aconitum Napellus: This medicine is indicated when coryza comes on after exposure to dry, cold winds. Violent sneezing is amid pain within the abdomen.

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